
platforms project
10 - 13 oktober 2024 | athene | old tabaco factory

Liesbeth Bos | Konstantin Economou

Frans-Willem Janssens | Jasmin Rapti




foto's platforms project 2024
Artists Liesbeth Bos, Konstantin Economou, Frans-Willem Janssens and Jasmin Rapti present works that reflect on the theme remember | dis-place.

Remember dis-place
Placing ourselves within;
present in or passing through.
Seeing our spaces, houses, parks.
Marking change? Knowingly
or not aware.
Being thrown out of…
…towards uncertainty?
What will be left to see? Radiating from the screen,
abandoned places, and relationships.
Residual space.

Konstantin Economou








|elders .

kunstenaarsinitiatiefelders@gmail.com ....| ....06 33978122